3 Annoying Issues
- Front-focus
- Hotpixels
- Dust
You can't runaway with the above issues if you own a DSLR. Let's talk about each of them.
What is Front-focus? Front-focus is a problem found in AF cameras that means the camera tends to focus just in front of the targeted subject. So you'll get out of focus (OOF). For example, instead of the camera focuses on the eyes, it actually focuses the nose. This problem could lie on the lens or the camera body or both. I couldn't live with it, so I sent it to Canon Service centre for re-calibration. I guess this is one of the quality control problems. Here's the example of front focus. I actually tried to focus the centre one but the camera focused on the front one.
What are hotpixels? This occurs when you do long exposue shots (more than 2 secs), especially night shots. The problem worsening with higher amplification or sensitivity of the signal (high ISO settings). It can be easily identified by examining the individual pixels in red, blue and white color. It can be many of them just like a starry night. Again, I couldn't live with them, I sent it Canon Service centre to remap the sensor. Problem solved!
DUST? The main enemy of DSLR. Dust is everywhere. So I don't have a choice and have to live with it.
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